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Resume Photo

Daniel B. Martin-Mills

Resume 1/5/2011

231-206-9779 voice
North Muskegton, MI 49445


.NET Web Application Developer


Application Development:

  • Programming with: ASP.NET, ADO.NET using C# and VB.NET
  • SQL Database developer (Stored Procedures, Table Keys, Constraints, Indexes, Transactions)
  • Experienced with SQL Reporting Services


October 2010 - Present Alcoa Howmet - Whitehall, MI
ASP.NET Consultant:
Alcoa Howmet needed an Internet-based Workflow Application to generate and maintain safety records. They required a VB.NET 2.0 application with multiple SQL Server databases to be completed in two months. Although the project definition and workflow changed with time, and I was the only .NET developer on staff, we finished on schedule. The application uses roles-based authorization, custom controls, and it launches email to appropriate targets. The email data forms include a link to a specified page within the application, which populates appropriately for that instance. I participated in testing, deployment, and documentation.

March - May 2010 Wow Hair and Body Care - North Muskegon, MI
ASP.NET Developer:
This professional team required a web site with the potential to manage growing business needs. The.NET application that I designed has a professional appearance with some animation. It currently uses the file system for customer and staff data management, which satisfies the business owner's present needs. I developed, deployed, and maintain the application.

February 2009 - February 2010 E-Z-O Antennas - Muskegon, MI
ASP.NET Developer:
For this state-of-the-art e-commerce site, I designed and Developed ASP.NET pages in C#, with MSSQL Database. Professional design and implementation of marketing and business rules required customized tailoring of standard components such as product search, dynamic shipping calculations, and returning customer rewards. This site also provides a blog. I utilized Custom Controls, JavaScript, XML and Themes. I deployed and currently maintain the application.

November 2008 - January 2009 Lakeshore Mental Health Professionals - Muskegon, MI
ASP.NET Developer:
This association of approximately 50 mental health professionals needed a data-driven web application that would capture member data and then present the information through a searchable user interface. I utilized roles based authorization and authentication for file directory and database access. I developed a SQL Server database with bridge tables to normalized data and utilized stored procedures. I also used SQL Server Reporting Services.

February - October 2008 Harbor Psychological Associates - Muskegon, MI
ASP.NET Developer:
This agency needed a web site with the potential to manage increasing business needs. The.NET application that I designed has a professional appearance with some animation. It currently uses the file system for customer and staff data management, which satisfies the business owner's present needs. I maintain the application.

November 2007 - February 2008 Muskegon Area Amateur Radio Council - Muskegon, MI
ASP.NET Developer:
This organization of approximately 100 members needed a data-driven web application to conduct their business online, which includes money payments and records maintenance. I developed the application with C# and SQL Server, incorporating roles-based security. I deployed, and still maintain the application.

Note: I have also worked as a part-time instructor at five area colleges and universities during this time period, teaching Math, Physics, Electronics, and Computer Architecture.


Degrees and Certifications:

  • Microsoft Professional Certification: .NET Framework 2.0, C#
    Web Application Developer
  • Master of Education, Physics Concentration (GVSU 2006)
  • Bachelor of Science, Math major, Physics minor (GVSU 1998)
  • Associates of Arts, Electronics Technology (Muskegon CC)


Available upon request